The weekend was eventful…on Friday did Capture the Flag, went drinking in Koreatown with the buddies and then met up with a coworker and hit a bar to cap it all off. On Saturday, re-injured my back then did Nuit Blanche till 5am — my favourite was Ballroom Dancing, I went twice! Now it’s Sunday. […]
Category Archives: General
Capture the Flag
Anyone feel like joining me in playing urban Capture the Flag? Here’s the link:
FilmFest Mania
I was walking out of the Ryerson gym last Thursday evening at about 10:30, and there was a line outside the Ryerson Theatre stretching down about 1/3 of the block. I had never seen a rush line for a Film Festival screening that long before. Later on I found it is was the screening for […]
I’m so smart
I put my phone in the washing machine last night. No, I wasn’t drunk.
Back from Belgrade
Been back from my trip to Belgrade, Serbia for almost 2 weeks now. It was a lot of fun, particularly the splavs — river boats along the Sava and Danube rivers where the nightlife is centred around in the Summer. I have pics, but I’m too lazy to post them in the gallery. You can […]
Had a pretty eventful weekend including going to bubblebattle on Sunday, but it was a distinctly jazz-themed one. On Saturday we headed to the Reservoir Lounge to see Tory Cassis play as part of the Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival. He was kind of a last resort as I was hankering for a female vocalist. Imagine […]
My friend Tina just came out with an online album. Check it out! I like the 3rd song, Dreamer, best.
Busy weekend
I went to the NBA 3 on 3 tournament in London this past weekend. Originally we had 4 guys heading up, but the last guy bailed on us the day before. We were put into the 6’1″+, over 30 division (my teammates are on the wrong side of 30, but they’re black so they’re still […]
Went to check out this for the first time today. It’s basically a weekly game of hide and seek, all over Toronto. Today’s location was based in the block around the CN Tower and SkyDome (I don’t care what they are calling these days, it’s still the SkyDome to me). It was good clean fun, […]
V-8 with apple juice…yummy! Add Tabasco for some kick!