Bad Idea

I was starting to get sick. I was still recovering from a strained neck, bruised talibone and a chronically sore lower back. Yet I couldn’t resist when the call came. My cousin knows the mascot, and he needed someone to do a skit during a timeout at the Raptors game. In return, I’d get free […]

I can’t wait for the Raptors season to start! I got to see the preseason Nets game, with Vince Carter back in town again. There was a funny moment when Jorge Garbajosa, who is the first person to wear #15 since VC left town, checked into the game. Vince stared at his jersey for a […]


Had a nice long Thanksgiving weekend…started off with the Chris Botti concert on Friday, went apple-picking at Watson Farms Saturday afternoon, locked myself out of my running car and then had Thanksgiving dinner with neighbour/friends AmyChris, JackieDerrick and Natalie. On Sunday we went out to Century Room — it’s always nice to see familiar faces. […]